
Insights into Childhood Myopia

Episode 8 | Don't Lose Sight of Vision Care Benefits Podcast

What is childhood myopia and how can it be managed?

In this podcast, Denise Balch from Connex is joined by Dr. Deborah Jones, Clinical Professor, School of Optometry & Vision Science and a Clinical Scientist at the Centre for Ocular Research & Education, at the University of Waterloo.

Myopia typically starts in childhood and continues to increase in severity until the age of 20. Optometrists are concerned about rising rates of myopia, which is occurring around the world. After examination and diagnosis, there are options available to slow down and manage myopia. Early intervention results in better uncorrected vision and reduces the risk of sight threatening conditions later in life.

Find out more about myopia, and its management and treatment by listening to this podcast. This is just one in our 2022 education series on how to care for your vision and the vision of employees and their family members.


This podcast is free and delivers valuable information for you and your clients about the role of optometrists, the importance of adequate vision care coverage, and healthy lifestyles in visual health. Look for more in this series on the modernization of vision care, Don’t Lose Sight, from the Canadian Association of Optometrists.

Brought to you by the Canadian Association of Optometrists in association with Connex Health Consulting.

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Insights into Childhood Myopia