Dr. Michelle Lane is a practicing optometrist in Fredericton, New Brunswick, and has a special interest in ocular surface disease. Dr. Lane has been a council member of the New Brunswick Association of Optometrists since 2015 and is their current President. She is also active with the Canadian Association of Optometrists.
In this podcast Dr. Michelle Lane provides insights into the role of optometrists as primary care providers for vision care, and their important role in prevention and diagnostics to identify the need for the early diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the eye. She will speak to the importance of recognizing symptoms, early diagnosis and treatment of diseases that include ocular surface disease and glaucoma. Join us to hear the fascinating case studies Dr. Lane shares from her patient population.
This podcast is free and delivers valuable information for you and your clients about the role of optometrists. Look for more in this series on the modernization of vision care, Don’t Lose Sight, from the Canadian Association of Optometrists.
Brought to you by the Canadian Association of Optometrists in association with Connex Health Consulting.